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FrozenGate by Avery

Mini Dorcy - Where to Buy?


Aug 15, 2007
Where can a brotha get a mini dorcy?

Target? Online?

There's very little about these things on this site as to where to get them. :-?

TARGET ! ;D That is the only place, other than online that I have ever seen them. In Target, you have to go to the housewares area like near the lightbulbs and such, as they have lights in the sporting-goods area, but none of the min-Dorcy's :)

How much are those bad-boys?

Also, I have a question about a circuit. If I have 2 or 3 normal 1.5v batts and I wire then directly to a battery with a cap and some resistors of predetermined value, would it be safe?

Also, can I use any size cap? or does it have to be a certain volt rated for such low power. Like I cant use a 100uF or 200uF cap rated at 200v or something can I? Does capacitance vary with voltage change?

Its been a long time since I took Physics.... ::)
Mini Dorcy is a flashlight that is fairly easy to mod into a laser :-) They run around the $20 U.S. mark....

For the answers to your circuit questions, and more - check out the experiments and mods section - ALL of them, and more are answered there !
