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FrozenGate by Avery

Midwest USA Meet (OK, MO, TX, KS)


Aug 15, 2007
Now that the UK Meet ha successfully gone over,

How about a Midwest USA Meet?  :P

Oklahoma, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Kansas?

Anyone nearby? Oklahoma especially! xD

Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

San Antnonio, and unable to be mobile at present :( I am looking forward to hearing about the location, etc though !
Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

With all the shipping you do...don't you have enough "Frequent shipper" miles to Mail yourself First class to whereever the meet is??? ;D ;D ;D

Stick a stamp on you're forehead and get there........

Wherever "There" turns out to be!!!

Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

Come down here to Dallas! Perhaps I can see if they'll let us check out the lasers here at the lab at UTD ;)
Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

*cajun accent *How bout ya com don to ma' house?

You know in all honesty, that's probably how I sound, I am one eighth French, which down here, is the requirement to be a cajun. ;D

Ok, anyone who is in driving distance of the Mississippi River, pack a weeks food and jump on a raft. When you hit Baton Rouge just start trying to get to the left side of the channel, by the time you get halfway to New Orleans, you hit shore right were I live. ;D ROFL
Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

Tulsa here!

Lets get some more peeps LarryQ 8-)

Nobody else live nearby?! ;D
Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

Fort worth here! too bad I cant drive.

Re: Midwest USA Meet =P

come on!

I want to have a group conglomeration of Mid-USA peeps. There have to be some around here, hiding in the woodwork.
i'm in kansas city. btw, anyone see that KU womping over Nebraska? 76-39, rock chalk jayhawk!
So possible people (people who live close enough) ;D


haha, if we get enough people in the area we can figure out a place we can meet!! :D
I thought flights in the US were very cheap why don't you all decide on a good point of origin to meet up like Alabama ;D And then you can piss off the bible bashers with all the heavenly lights in the sky ;D
