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FrozenGate by Avery

make a laser steam a kettle


New member
Feb 20, 2020
i offer big business for anyone who can point a laser at a kettle and make
the kettle produce steam
should take less than 5 minutes to test and if you do i will buy thousands of you
you might have to use 3 lasers that go from one to the other every 120 seconds
so it doesnt burn out the laser
let me know ( if i dont get confirmation anyone replied write me at nottryingenough@gmail.com)

Lasers do not function in the real world in the manner they do in your imagination.
You offer nothing at all except a envisioned uneducated daydream product, certainly not a "big business" of any kind.

Is a idiotic idea on a cost basis, on a legal FDA approval of a device incorporating a laser basis, and on a real world laser related physics basis.
Apparently , you know nothing about physics, the characteristics of a laser, how lasers function in the real world, nor the legal requirements for any product incorporating a laser or you would not ask that question or have an absurd imaginary "kettle" in mind.

A laser beam has no temperature - there is no inherent "temperature" to a laser beam. Heat is the random motion of matter particles (atomic or molecular particles). A laser beam itself is not made of matter but of photons, which have no mass, thus a laser beam can have no temperature. "Heat" is caused by a laser beams energy being absorbed by a materials surface and turning light energy into heat energy.

For the reality of boiling water with a laser see:
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