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looking to buy a crappy laser to mod

Dec 5, 2007
hey could any of you point me to a laser green or red that i can simply mod very easily
please no ebay


what will 50 MW do for me can a pop a baloon or somthing cool like that
now i dont even care if it is green or red i just want a laser to burn(besides the one i am building)

i will keep looking around
Its not MW its mw, MW stands for megawatt, i wish they had those for $22.99 ;D. 50mw or 30mw will pop a baloon pretty easy and if you put a lense in front of it (magnifying glass) it can light matches.

...lazer... ;D ;D ;D
will the one from dealextreme .com be able to pop baloons or light a match from close range
The true 30 on fresh batteries should be able to pop a baloon with sharpie on it, it wont light a match unless you use a lense like a magnifying glass to make the spot smaller, if you do that you should be able to light a match, altho it will still be hard to light it, if you buy the true 50 or 100 tho you will be able to easily light a match with a lense, or the 200 one could light matches pop balons without any help.

Also if you want to get the most power out of it buy some energizer e2 lithium aaa batteries, they give more voltage and inturn more power from the laser.

...lazer... ;D ;D ;D
Even with a lens it may be difficult. Get a 100mW "true" (in quotes because it isn't really true 100mW) from DX if your heart is really set on lighting matches.

Don't mod any laser you aren't prepared to dump in the trash anyway, its very easy to kill a laser this way. You don't mod crappy lasers. Crappy lasers are already at their breaking point and a mod will kill them.

Some well built lasers like the leadlight 105s are high quality, made with the parts of a better laser, and you can sometimes get them modded up past 10-20mW. 30mW is possible but I wouldn't go as far as saying "are relativly easy to mod to about 30mw". What leadlights won't already die at 30mW need to be run at very short duty cycles, and even then they'll often die after a few months of use. Also, the units Greg is selling are leadlight 110s - a bit harder to mod.

If your heart is set on learning about lasers, buy a cheap laser and try modding it - full expecting it to die a quick death, but you'll learn a lot from doing it. If you're looking to get a powerful laser, its much cheaper to buy a powerful laser than to take your chances trying to mod up a weak one.
I got a small project box 2 1/2"x31/2"x6" an small on/off switch and a 4AA batt holder and placed everything inside
the laser block has 2 holes on the bottom for sreew mount so i drilled a hole in the bottom of the box to secure it
then i drilled a hole in the front for the beam

I have a lot of nice toys a camera isnt one of them
Lorgar said:
I got a small project box 2 1/2"x31/2"x6" an small on/off switch and a 4AA batt holder and placed everything inside
the laser block has 2 holes on the bottom for sreew mount so i drilled a hole in the bottom of the box to secure it
then i drilled a hole in the front for the beam

I have a lot of nice toys a camera isnt one of them

ok so will a 4 AA battery holder work with out a resister because that is 6V do i need a resister if so what kind
