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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for safty goggle recommendation

Sep 6, 2012
I sent Thor Labs an email; and was told they don't have a product that will help me (because it uses many wavelengths). So, right now I have no safety goggles. I would like to correct this asap, and obviously for as little expense as is necessary.

Here are the specs of my laser:
Manufacturer: Shinp
Model: AL-2000RGB
Scanner: High speed optical scanner, big angle scanning
--- Red Laser: 650 nm wavelength 1 W
--- Green laser: 532 nm wavelength 300 mW
--- Blue laser: 800 mW
--- Mixed white laser: 2W

I appreciate all the posts I have seen on this forum about safety and hope somebody can simply recommend some eyewear that will help. Thanks.

Thanks! I had read that thread - but couldn't find any solution at all for my combination of frequencies. Hope somebody has a similar situation and a good solution handy.
It's not likely that you will find one set of goggles to cover 445, 532, and 650... you're pretty close to covering most of the visible spectrum, and need about OD 2.5.

Even if you do find a single solution that will work to protect from all three, the VLT will be extremely low.

You would be better off buying good goggles to cover UV to 445 to 532nm + IR 808 & 1064, and a separate set of goggles for red.

Check out OEM Laser Systems though... maybe they put out something new. I remember looking for a 1 goggle solution too a while back, never found any that I thought were adequate.
