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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for safety advice on my first laser

Jun 14, 2012
I just purchased a 1W Spartan, 447nm? From Dragon. Turned it on for the first time today in my room wearing safety glasses. What worries is me is that the reflection off the wall came in through the side of the glasses near the nose for a second. It was definitely not a direct hit but now I am concerned about the possibilities for injury if this happens again or if injury could have happened already. My main questions. When and where can I use this laser? If I am using it for star pointing and will not be dealing with reflections do I still need glasses? Also, am I at risk for eye injury if I see light scatter with the naked eye even if I am not viewing the dot on the wall? What about viewing out of your peripheral vision? I don't quite understand the power and possible repercussions of the light emmited from this laser. I don't want overly cautious answers nor overly bold answers. Just the plain facts and I will act accordingly.

Why would you use something that you know is dangerous but not know how to properly use it safely?

How far away from the wall were you? What color is the wall? Is it a dull color or a glossy color?

You should always use glasses. I've been screwing around outside and a bug flew into the beams path about 3 feet from my hand, a few times. Boy did that suck.

Where to use the laser? Where ever you want. Get glasses. Don't fuck up other peoples vision. Two things to think about when you ignite the laser. 1. Will I fuck up someones vision? 2. Will the cops come? If double no go for it.

If you have a gun consider the laser like a gun. You wouldn't go waving around a gun in public or at someone. You also use protection when using a gun. All should be applied to your laser.
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I was roughly 8 feet. And the wall is glossy. I figured the safety glasses would provide adequate protection and I didn't realize quite how powerful the 1W was until after I ordered it. I really would like to use it outside w/o glasses so I can see its color but obviously my vision is first priority. I am wondering really how dangerous is a 1W if your not looking at it directly. There seems to be varying ideas on this
