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FrozenGate by Avery

looking for quality green laser

Jan 31, 2015
Hello i have been looking around for a good quality green laser. I started with the 301 crappy laser that sucks and now I'm looking to spend more. Ive found a lot of lasers but i don't know how good they are or how trust worthy the companies are. I am looking for 50-100mw green or violet with a clear beam at night and in slightly dark rooms. Also able to light matches, burn through black paper, pop balloons, etc. I'm willing to spend up to 100$. Does anyone know good websites or a good laser thats right for me? thanks.
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Next time please use the search bar on the bottom of the page. Just this week alone we've already had like 3 people asking the exact same question.
Next time please use the search bar on the bottom of the page. Just this week alone we've already had like 3 people asking the exact same question.

I think so, I look very much duplicate question
as LeHap said "laserbtb" and i totally agree, but try one of the diode green ones from there, they are much more stable than the old 532nm ones. also, they have some really cheap 405's too. they are super high quality, some of the sturdiest hosts you can get, with nice safety functions. dont forget your safety though!!!
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