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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for green laser, focus on reliability, durability


Oct 7, 2009
My father (a university professor) has asked me to find him a 5mw green laser pointer, primarily for lecture-hall use. He specified that it be in the $20 (US) range, but I realize that may not be realistic. That said, let's keep it below $50.

I'm not looking for incredible brightness, match-lighting capabilities, or the ability to take down a missile in-flight. I'm more interested in knowing that it's reliable - and won't wear out quickly. It would be nice if it was physically durable, but I'm not sure that's an option.

If anyone could provide a link or two, I'd be grateful. Thanks!

For the possibility of a good number of years of service as you are intending I would look at Optotronics.
Its actually more expensive to have a true lower lower powered green 532 pointer. All are IR filtered.. $20 is doable..

Edit: I never typed so fast in my life cause I knew diachi was on a mission!
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I second that; the Optotronics pens output is generally very close to what is specified when you select the power that you want.
I've had an Optotronics pen since 2012, and it's still going strong. Here is the Optotronics 5mW pen for example. They aren't the cheapest, but they tend to last a long time.

Edit: Damn diachi, you beat me again! Got to learn to type faster. :)
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Exactly what I'm looking for, thanks. The 5mW model is out of stock, and the company appears to be closed until later this month, but I suspect that my father is in no great rush.

I made a point of telling him that while the 5mW model is immediately unavailable, they have a somewhat more expensive 175mW model. While it's far too bright to use on a whiteboard, it would be perfect for waking up students who fall asleep in his class. :)

Thanks again, both.
For the possibility of a good number of years of service as you are intending I would look at Optotronics.
Its actually more expensive to have a true lower lower powered green 532 pointer. All are IR filtered.. $20 is doable..

Edit: I never typed so fast in my life cause I knew diachi was on a mission!

How about this? https://www.optotronics.com/proddetail.php?prod=Opto5

Optotronics have been around for ages and they have a good reputation, as do their pointers. If not them, perhaps look at LaserBTB?

Edit: GSS bet me to it! :p

Hehe you guys....:D
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You can get a pack of three on ebay; one red, one green, and one violet for a few dollars <$5.
5mw 3PCS Laser pointer Pen Red + Green + Blue/violet Laser Pointer Visible Beam | eBay
If I was making Ph.D money Id be using this pointer for my lectures (the Aurora)Yellow Laser Pointers : Dragon Lasers, not a cheap piece of garbage.

BTW if your dad is going to point it at sleeping students faces do not get more than a 5mW laser

Wouldn't trust any of those to be <=5mW - The Optotronics pointer you can trust that it is 5mW - although you pay more for that assurance and better quality.

As for pointing at students, don't do that, no matter what power you're using. Assuming that was a joke though?
... BTW if your dad is going to point it at sleeping students faces do not get more than a 5mW laser
Yes, that was a joke. :) Safety first, obviously. Even tenure has its limits.

Optotronics was closed for vacation until today, and I just dropped them a note asking when they expected to have their Premium +5mW Green Laser in stock. In the event they can't provide an answer, or if it turns out it will be a long time, is there another source for reliable low-wattage green laser pointers?
You could try the low cost version from California at $5.49 plus $2.19 shipping would be much faster than free shipping from Hong Kong --see: PLAYSKOOL SPEEDSTARS CARS & WINDERS RACING CARS RACE TRACK VINTAGE | eBay while waiting for an Optotronics laser pointer meter confirmed output pen.

Optotronics is a better choice better quality and so on --same goes for laserbtb, however, for the price of a cup of Stabucks coffee 3 pens for $5.49 with 60 day retun policy is not bad--just send them back if not good enough.
