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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for around 100mW green laser

Apr 27, 2014
I'm a complete noob looking for his first real laser that isnt junk off of ebay so I was wondering if anyone could recommend me a green laser that is around 100mw or more. I have a budget of $200 or so. I've heard the horror stories about some companies so I thought I would ask before buying anything that could be misrepresented.

Alright cool, I definitely have to get a good pair of goggles like that before I order a laser. I was actually looking at that model of laser the other day so it's good to know that it is a good choice. I was also looking at scifilasers and wondering if they are as good as they seem.
Alright cool, I definitely have to get a good pair of goggles like that before I order a laser. I was actually looking at that model of laser the other day so it's good to know that it is a good choice. I was also looking at scifilasers and wondering if they are as good as they seem.

Yep. Scifilasers is pretty good. Their owner is also a member on this forum as a matter of fact :)

have a look also on laserbtb they are cheap and their lasers have nice safety features for a beginner like you i would recommend that.
