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FrozenGate by Avery

looking for a 532nm laser 400mw or more

Mar 28, 2012
i'm looking to purchase a green laser with the output power of at least 400mw.
if anyone has one for sale please private message me. thank you
new or used.
looking to spend no more than 200 but due to recent events i won't be able to purchase for another two weeks :/ (april 13th)
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Here, You can still jump on this Jetlasers GB#7
Jetlasers makes extremely high quality lasers that will be on or overspec with no IR. They can be a little pricey but woth every penny.
i'm looking to purchase a green laser with the output power of at least 400mw.
if anyone has one for sale please private message me. thank you


You will need to provide us with more information if you want us to help you.
Do you want to buy new or used? What is your budget?
