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FrozenGate by Avery

Looking for a 18650 mid range green laser.

Apr 7, 2015
Hey all long time lurker first time poster. Basically Im looking for something around the 532nm and 500mw range. Something thats a good deal but not too cheap. Ive had a lot of cheap lasers in the past and want something a little more fun to play with. Im aware I need goggles and intend to buy a couple pairs for friends and I when we are "Playing" with the laser. Do you all have any recommendations? Reputability sites ect. Thank you in advance!

Well you have yet to fill in your profile and have posted pretty much the same question twice.
It can be hard to recommend a company when we do not know where you are from.
There are a lot of hobby guys and pros here.. both taking safety and legal issues very seriously!

welcome to the forum! PEW PEW!!
Thought people would have more opinions on the subject.

Is your heart set on green? If not, this guy ( Rick Trent) seems to have a solid reputation and some very cool products. I am new too but have read thousands of posts in the forum and based on that info just ordered a blue kit from this guy.

1W 638 to 650nm Red Laser Kit MX 900 Host Copper Heat Sink Focusable Lens | eBay

Plus you have the benefit of it being shipped from the US, which was a huge benefit for me; not sure if that is a pro or con for you, though.
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O like is crap avoid them no way in hell u get a true 400mW laser for under 200$ thats just too good to be true and the fake discount is weird too.... sounds like all those ebay sellers they write 500000mW laser too nobody buys that lies lol, might aswell buy from ebay then but thats just a gamble if uask me.. and yeah u get more help if u tell us where u live.

otherwise laserbtb.com is also worth check out, have good prices and considering the 5 or 6 group breaks done here they have good reputation and u can chose if u want buy 532 laser if u want IR filter or not and if u buy green from them it will be even crazy overspec!
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Im located in the US I live out in the country. Not too worried about the mw restrictions or customs if a laser gets seized its out of my control. Just looking to point out stars possibly burn a couple things. Kinda set on green just because it appears to be very visible.
Im located in the US I live out in the country. Not too worried about the mw restrictions or customs if a laser gets seized its out of my control. Just looking to point out stars possibly burn a couple things. Kinda set on green just because it appears to be very visible.

If you are interested in pointing out stars and being able to burn things, you can get a lot more 'bang for your buck' (mW/$) if you go with a 445nm blue laser. I've not purchased any lasers from retailers, so I can't speak about any of them, but I have built a few. I highly recommend the kits that jayrob sells, as they are great for beginner builders, and I also highly recommend the diodes (complete with driver, lens, module if you wish) that DTR sells. If you have enough skills to solder two wires together, you should be able to build your own to your liking.
If you are interested in pointing out stars and being able to burn things, you can get a lot more 'bang for your buck' (mW/$) if you go with a 445nm blue laser. I've not purchased any lasers from retailers, so I can't speak about any of them, but I have built a few. I highly recommend the kits that jayrob sells, as they are great for beginner builders, and I also highly recommend the diodes (complete with driver, lens, module if you wish) that DTR sells. If you have enough skills to solder two wires together, you should be able to build your own to your liking.

445 may also be more favorable to 532 since while bright, 532 can kill your night-vision overpowering seeing anything. 445 is plenty visible at high powers :)

