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FrozenGate by Avery

Legal Issues?

Jun 30, 2015
I was thinking about selling a laser on lpf or ebay, but i'm holding back until I know how to make it so the buyer cant sue me if they blind them-self. I am providing safety glasses and will encourage them to wear them. Do I need to make a warning label on the laser or some disclaimer about how I am not responsible for any injury or any illegal action they commit? :thinking: Any help is appreciated. BTW it is a 1.8W 445nm C6 build.

I was thinking about selling a laser on lpf or ebay, but i'm holding back until I know how to make it so the buyer cant sue me if they blind them-self. I am providing safety glasses and will encourage them to wear them. Do I need to make a warning label on the laser or some disclaimer about how I am not responsible for any injury or any illegal action they commit? :thinking: Any help is appreciated. BTW it is a 1.8W 445nm C6 build.

See: Laser Pointer Safety - Rules and regulations in the U.S. (For those selling laser pointers)
How did this person sell this kryton?http://laserpointerforums.com/f39/sold-445nm-3-w-kryton-groove-150-a-95664.html#post1393572
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I think as long as you put in a disclaimer and provide eye protection it would be pretty hard for them to sue you. Personally, I think if lawsuits were common all of those ebayers selling the overspec penlasers would be shut down. I'm no lawyer though.
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So basically I can sell it on LPF...? Thanks for all the help and clarification!!!
