I've just been studying the heck out of them.. but never owned one.
If you could stand the cannon size of 3 D cells... the herc is awesome too with its 2.5watt diode.. I notice the initial power readings are about 1/3rd higher than the constant... quite impressive.
Otherwise the Aries seems to be as big as what I would consider "portable"....by my definition.. If I can't smuggle it in to work or a restarant but have to always leave it in the car.. "its not portble".
The Aries will just look like a mouse in your pocket..... but I live in the wrong part of town to put a Herc in my pocket! LOL!
I have found nothing put praises and excellent ratings and numbers.... it sounds like they ran one for 200 days consecutive before they gave up and decided it wasn't going to crash! LOL!
If you look at thier graphs.. the aries display will show a graph to the right of thier 100mw and it spikes to about 180mw for 2 minutes and then goes to 160 for another 2 minutes to settle on 120mw till it goes off the graph.
They take there readings from an average over "10 minutes".. Not 20 seconds. They seem quite confident in their product with their 7 day unconditional return with a 6 month warranty/ 12 Month extended!!!.
With its 1200mw diode, it holds its own quite well.
If you get one.. use the NiMh 5000mah's C cells from
they are 13.97 each if you buy three.....
But I've some research and I think these are actually better for punch under load and they are only 4.20 each!
the divergence is ~0.9-1.4 mrad.... not bad.... the Herc is even better.
there is alot more I could say.. but I'm sure you already have red the same things.....
I was struggling between this and the Optotronic until I read the review in the LED museum... sounds like they may get a bit warm and may require some stand-down time.
Start reading below the line that says "very important"
Otherwise, they have a convincing story.. espcially their rechargable version that has the higher powers of the herc with the lower size of the Aries.
All in all, the best I can tell and all I've read the Aries cannot go wrong.
I wonder if they have any further discounts for forum customers?