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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser Pointer for Commercial Purposes

Jan 9, 2017
Hi All,

I am looking to purchase a laser pointer and relevant accessories for commercial purposes. This will be used for applications including:
- Identification of features during geological investigations
- Reference straight line for set out of fencing/power lines in remote locations (bush, forest)

The following list documents the requirements for the laser pointer:
1. Laser 'dot' needs to be visible on surface at 250m in daylight (not the beam)
2. Power to be minimised (I assume that selecting a green laser is the best option in this regard)
It would be great if people with a laser pointer could advise the real world distances they obtain when used in a manner consistent with the applications noted above so I can avoid an incorrect selection.

The additional items that I require are as follows:
- A mounting bracket that can be used to set the laser pointer in a set position (compatible with a standard tripod thread)
- Safety glasses that protect users that work around the 'dot' during set out whilst permitting some visibility

As I live in Australia I would appreciate product suggestions that are available locally and which are compliant with Australian Standards (as relevant).

Edit: I have applied for a firearm license in order to make legal my purchase, possession and use of a laser pointer of > 1mw.

Thanks very much for your time.
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Welcome to the forum. :) As you live in Australia, it does pose some problems due to your strict laser laws. Anything over 1mW is prohibited without reason for exemption. The wavelength that would be most suitable is 532nm (green). And you would need around 200mW for the dot to still be visible in daylight from that distance. In order for you to stay legal considering your commercial intents, it is best you research into your countries laws. But I know that New Zealand does have a permit for possession of >1mW lasers for those who have genuine business/employment based intentions. There are a couple of members on here from Australia who might be able to offer more advice on your countries legal system. Best of luck. :beer:
I think ebay might have some australia based sellers who can ship it to you.
