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FrozenGate by Avery

Laser Law Question

Jan 29, 2014
Hello I'm a newbie to laser pointers and looking to purchase a laser pointer. Just curious about the laws in the US regarding them. I would like to purchase a laser and some goggles and have been looking at 1w-1.8w blue lasers. Are these banned from the US? Would the laser I buy be confiscated from US Customs before package could be delivered. If so I also have a Canadian address as my wife lives there. What are their laws regarding lasers

Where do you plan to buy from? If you buy on the forum inside the US, you don't have to worry...

All you need is 20 laser-related posts to be able to post in the BST section.

Although US customs are pretty lax as long as the seller knows what they are doing.

Maybe check out SCI-FI lasers, I believe that is stationed in Israel. :)

Good luck
Or especially if you're looking for some higher powered blue lasers, contact Blord. He sells custom ones that are much better than any you'll find at hobbyist level laser stores. For goggles to protect against 445nm (blue) and 532nm (green) go here: Eagle Pair® 190-540nm Standard Laser Safety Goggles
If you get these you'll be set for life:beer:
