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LASER Dimming and Life Span Question

May 8, 2017
Hello All Members

I am quite new in field of LASER.

Recently i have bought 5mW Red LASER from local market (Cheaper one).I have attached photo of it.

I am powering it with constant current power supply made by LM317.

I have noticed that at ambient temperature LASER intensity becomes 50% less when i power it up continuous for 1 day.

My questions are as following

(1) Will intensity reduce in every LASER diodes if i power it up continuous for long time say 15 days at constant current ?

(2) Suppose i have laser diode rated at 5000 Hour life span and i power it up by 50% duty cycle PWM will it increase it life?

I want to use LASER in security system so i will remains on continuously.

Looking for suggestions and advice from you!!


Is that the exact diode? Doesn't that already have a driver on it. I powered that exact or similar diode with an 18650 for about 5 days straight no problem
Yes exact this diode ....driver is connected extranally custom made .I don't think it has in built driver.actually it has single resistor in case.

What is your opinion on pwm Base operation of such diode ?
What 5mw red module did Stryo run for 5 years straight?
Current is about 1mA approx.as we are using 10% tolerance resistor so current may vary some what ....

Yesterday I read on Internet that such cheap cost modules made using bad semiconductors so it may cause shorter life and reduced optical output with time ...

What about PWM based operation of this CW module? Will it provide any advantage like long life?
