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Ky-004 laser safe (can't find class)

Jun 18, 2018
I am wanting to build a laser projector of soughts and have no prior laser experience. The method I saw used a laser pointer and spinned mirrors while turning the laser on and off.

I have bought the ky-008 laser module off eBay and I can't find the mW rating or class. All I know is it draws 30ma.

I am primarily worried about reflections off the mirrors.

Is this laser going to be safe? If not were can I get a reputable laser diode that is low power?
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Are you talking about one of these $0.99 miracles/wonders: https://www.ebay.com/itm/1pcs-KY-008-Laser-Transmitter-Module-for-Arduino-PIC-AVR/261833144891?epid=6005991837&hash=item3cf678ba3b:g:KXUAAOSwstxVG8gr

See this if you want to make a red dot on your ceiling with it or something like that : http://www.instructables.com/id/Keyes-KY-008-Laser-Transmitter-Demystified/
You are light years away from building a laser projector of any kind with that.

You will need good quality laser glasses to protect your eyes if you intend to do anything with lasers.

What kind of projector?
What do you want to be able to do with it?

Please make a Welcome post in the Welcome sub-forum and indicate you location on the planet in you profile
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The laser/spun mirror method is a laser galvo. Whether this is usable depends on what your projection needs are. You will need safety goggles if the laser is not verified to be under 5mW, though viewing the diffuse reflection(like the dot on the wall) will be safe over that limit. Survivallasers.com provides high quality safety goggles, just make sure they're for the correct wavelength of your laser.

You can buy laser diodes from DTR at this link:

Look at the diode's spec sheets for their ratings. DTR also provides a test of each diode, so you can see the correlation between current and output. You will need a driver , power source(batteries will work), and heatsink to run one.

As Encap said, please make a welcome post, it will help us better assist you.

Edit: If the laser is the one Encap has linked, it will probably under 5mW, so it's safe as long as you don't point the laser into your eye

Good luck on your project :beer:
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You are often better off buying a projector from ebay, understand that any laser over 5mw is dangerous to your eyes and can do life long damage including causing blindness.

You said spinning mirrors, do you mean a laser Spiro graph or a laser show ?

I'm going to build another spiro, they are fun with a 4th mirror.
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Wow. That is a huge endeavor for some one with NO experience with lasers. You can't even figure out what kind of laser you are attempting to purchase. Start out by looking up how a laser diode works, then go from there.
You are often better off buying a projector from ebay, understand that any laser over 5mw is dangerous to your eyes and can do life long damage including causing blindness.

You said spinning mirrors, do you mean a laser Spiro graph or a laser show ?

I'm going to build another spiro, they are fun with a 4th mirror.

Excellent point----there are dozens of low cost laser projectors available these days.

Wow. That is a huge endeavor for some one with NO experience with lasers. You can't even figure out what kind of laser you are attempting to purchase. Start out by looking up how a laser diode works, then go from there.

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Stop double posting!

Email the guy that made that amateur contraption and ask him for instructions of how to make one if that is what you call 'creating".

You are going to need to do the research and get an education on you own to a point where you are even capable of "creating" anything--in the meantime goggle "laser projector kits " and "laser projector projects" and see what you can find to get some experience with assembling a laser anything
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I am wanting to build a laser projector of soughts and have no prior laser experience. The method I saw used a laser pointer and spinned mirrors while turning the laser on and off.
Coding Laboratory: DIY Laser projector

I have bought the ky-008 laser module off eBay and I can't find the mW rating or class. All I know is it draws 30ma.

I am primarily worried about reflections off the mirrors.

Is this laser going to be safe? If not were can I get a reputable laser diode that is low power?
Those $0.99 Lasers are going to be RED
and anywhere from 2mW to 5mW...
They would be eye safe. But don't look into
the beam aperture directly. It would still be
like looking directly into the Sun at those
low powers.

It is not actually a Laser image projector you
are talking about with the spinning mirrors it
will be more a shape projector. You can also
glue a mirror to a speaker cone and get some
interesting effects.

That project would be an easy way to learn
about Lasers and how to properly use them.

Don't forget to show us your finished project.:yh:

