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FrozenGate by Avery

Just Here To Keep Us Safe

May 27, 2012
I think its time the FDA get out of the laser regulation business. What part of Food and Drug Administration are our lasers a part of? Is my laser a piece of food, can I eat it? Is it a drug? It must be one of these two things if the FDA has to get involved. But it can blind someone... well so can my ink pen or a pencil, or even a sharp stick. I see more than 40 deadly eye killing weapons in my office right now. Quick someone call the government to protect us from ourselves. I believe its time for the FDA to focus on its job of protecting us from harmful food items that are being imported into our country every year from places like China. At the rate things are going once enough laws have been made we'll be guilty of just about everything and the last bit of freedom we enjoy will be gone. I sincerely hope that day never comes.

Well considering lasers are in a lot of medical procedures, and medicine is under their watch. That's how it all comes together. Just like pharmacists order from the DEA, because DEA deals with street drugs, not the FDA.
Lasers are not classified as a weapon now, but i think it'll change in the future, governments want to put their filthy hands everywhere. For me none laser is dangerous itself, dangerous are people who do not use them accordingly.
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