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FrozenGate by Avery

Is the Sony SLD1239JL-54 laser spectator safe at 390 milliamps?

May 13, 2014
I know you should always wear safety glasses when working with lasers, but I want to demonstrate the laser to my friends. Does that type of laser have to have direct eye exposure or direct eye exposure reflected from mirrors to cause eye damage or can just looking at the dot on a non reflective wall damage your eyes. I want to be able to demonstrate it to my friends, would they also have to wear safety goggles? (I am going to do it in place with a lot of distance and no reflective objects present and on a fixed emplacement) Is there any way I can demonstrate it to spectators safely or do they all also have to wear goggles? My laser will go up to 390 milliamps.

So always wear the goggles if you are burning, using optics, in a small space, pointing at shiny stuff, etc.
A diffuse reflection from a wall can damage your eyes if it is up close.
To safely use the laser without glasses, you should use the laser outside and point it at far away stuff.
Hope I've helped.
So always wear the goggles if you are burning, using optics, in a small space, pointing at shiny stuff, etc.
A diffuse reflection from a wall can damage your eyes if it is up close.
To safely use the laser without glasses, you should use the laser outside and point it at far away stuff.
Hope I've helped.

Like what should be the minimum distance?
Just a random guess here, based on my own observations.
I feel safe using my red laser at about 30 feet.
I believe that if you see dark spots after you use the laser, it is unsafe.
There is no real answer, and this subject has been discussed many times. Just do whatever feels comfortable for your eyes.
