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FrozenGate by Avery

Ir laser diode Pioneer ld-700 harvest upcycle


New member
Oct 29, 2019
Hi I have done tons of research about building my own etching laser. But when it comes to the laser I have on hand I have no idea how to go about this. Also I cannot seem to find the details about this diode. All I know is that it is a IR laser in a working Pioneer ld700 LaserDisc player. If anyone can help me with how I should go about building this etching laser I would be eternally grateful

Typically, the diodes in disc players are not powerful enough to etch with. I didn't look up this particular player, but that likely still holds true.
What Paul said ^^^
Pretty much a waste of time for many reasons. Much better to purchase a low cost etching/engraving module on eBay

"Those lenses in DVD R/W devices are adjustable, but because the focal length to the DVD is so short, they are unusable for this purpose. They have to focus down to ~1000nm to read or write to the DVD, IIRC. The polymer used for the DVD has it's own refraction index too, so the overall distance is very small. " ~ Paul1598419 noted in similar thread see: https://laserpointerforums.com/thre...-dvd-rw-drive-laser-sled.101284/#post-1489688

Use LPF search to see other threads about same---search "DVD diode etching engraving" many threads concerning same.
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