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FrozenGate by Avery

Importing lasers into Australia - myth vs reality

Dec 9, 2009
Hi all,
I hope people find this information interesting and useful.
I've noticed on some laser websites that they will not send any lasers to Australia that have an output of more than 1mW due to laws restricting the importation of lasers into the country.
There's some misunderstanding about what can and can't be imported into Australia. I have personally contacted Australian customs and have discussed this with them. The information is also available on their website.
So what's the myth? - that importing lasers >1mW output is illegal. Not so.
What's the reality? Read on......
The following information is correct at the time of posting this thread.
Laser pointers with an output of greater than 1mW are illegal and will be tested, confiscated and destroyed at the border if they exceed 1mW output. You will also be placed on a 'prohibited item importer' list for an unspecified period of time so if you try importing another and hope to get away with it the second time, think again.
Any other laser that is NOT a laser pointer is legal, even if it exceeds 1mW output.
Customs considers a battery operated, hand held, portable laser to be a laser pointer. However, for example, a 12v lab style laser is not considered to be a laser pointer. Fair enough.

So why won't some laser sellers send their laser products to Australia even though they are not pointers? Misinterpretation of Australian importation laws.
Hope this helps.
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