Where is this laser from? 532 DPSS if they are made well have an in-built IR filter to block invisible IR wavelengths leftover from the DPSS process. So if you want to check the safety of your laser and whether it’s DPSS at the same time, you could get laser glasses that block green light and a cheap IR indicator card (shouldn’t be more than $15). Then hold glasses in front of laser and put indicator on the other side, such that the glasses are between the laser and indicator. If you see a dot on the card, you have an unsafe (IR leaking) DPSS laser. If there is no dot, you still won’t know if you have a safe DPSS or a diode laser, but since you believe it’s more likely you have a DPSS and you might run into similar questions in your future it might be worth doing.
Also, if your laser was inexpensive and high powered in the realm of 1W+, it’s likely diode