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How to make laser \wo circuit work?

Dec 31, 2007
How to make laser \wo circuit work?

picture here> http : //file.polppol.com/TL/laser250mw.JPG

How to make it work
it from CNI PGL-III-C 250mw laser it work fine but control citcuit broke
i try to connect direct to battary but out put is very low power

how i can do any citcuit 4 sell?


  • laser250mw.JPG
    44.1 KB · Views: 1,773

It is very likely that the pump diode is dead, but we'll see. What battery did you connect it to?
Since those wires lead straight to the diode i think you just killed it, you cant connect a battery straight to it it will send voltage spikes send way to much current to it...etc.

...lazer... ;D ;D ;D
Take a deep breath there wooooooolazer. I know it probably is dead, but let's do a little testing before we bury it.
so im not the only one who thinks wooooooolaser jumps to conclusions?

no offense wooooooolaser

I donno about the circuitry, what MW pump is it do u know?

and why did u buy techlasers anyway? or am i wrong, CNI is techlasers right?
polppol said:
i use li-ion 3.7v
but in a shot time
so what can i do to make it work?

If that pump diode ever saw 3.7V it's dead for sure.
Can you open it up and see if those two wires go straight to the diode?
If you don't want it I will give you a few bucks for it as is, say $50?

I do agree though, at 3.7V that diode didn't stand a chance.

ah, i see you bought it from Techlasers.
Hate to break it to you, but that isn't even a genuine CNI, it's a fake. That's probably why its dead.
(see http://file.polppol.com/TL/TL.JPG)
In all likelihood, it's dead and will stay that way.
I think Blue has made you a pretty good offer, but I, as well as other members here I'm sure, would be happy to try to help you replace the pump diode.
Another option might be to contact one of the more reputable laser companies and ask if they would treat it as an out of warranty repair.
thx for all answer, i try to ask 4 make a repair but it to expensive i think ig i want i i gonna buy a new one.
so anyone want this diode? haha
polppol said:
thx for all answer, i try to ask 4 make a repair but it to expensive i think ig i want i i gonna buy a new one.
so anyone want this diode? haha

can you post a pic of the back side of the module?
