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FrozenGate by Avery

How to figure out duty cycle


New member
Apr 15, 2022
I’m currently working on two builds and am wondering on how you figure out the duty cycle.

The diodes I’m working with are:
NUBM4F at 5A
NUBM07 at 3.5A

Both are going to be in SL S4X hosts with copper heat sinks. Is there a formula for calculation duty cycles or do you just run them until the host gets warm?

Just turn it off when you feel it getting warm.
Duty cycle will be shorter on a summer day than a winter day and from a warm start than a cold start, but you won't need to calculate all the parameters or watch a clock, you will get a feel for it pretty quickly.

Get a battery tube extension for both or at least for the nubm4F so you can use 2 x 18650 cells and buy good quality INR or IMR formulated cells.
Just turn it off when you feel it getting warm.
Duty cycle will be shorter on a summer day than a winter day and from a warm start than a cold start, but you won't need to calculate all the parameters or watch a clock, you will get a feel for it pretty quickly.

Get a for both or at least for the nubm4F so you can use 2 x 18650 cells and buy good formulated cells.
The S4X host already can hold 2 18650 cells without the extension tube. The S4 is the host that needs the extension.
I know to get button top cells, but the real question is protected or unprotected cells?
That's one only you can ask yourself. Do you want your cells protected or not? Up to you. No one here will want to be liable if your batteries get damaged so it's something you must decide on your own
That's one only you can ask yourself. Do you want your cells protected or not? Up to you. No one here will want to be liable if your batteries get damaged so it's something you must decide on your own
Since I’m building 2 lasers simultaneously with the same hosts I meant it more as asking if protected cells would fit in the S4X host. I’d hate to buy 6 protected cells and not be able to use them.
