Here's the same laser BURNING STUFF ! YEAH !!! ;D That is a piece of electrical tape hanging down from a white picnic target tape I like to call it ! You cannot see the beam in the pic, but WOW it is bright ! Sdjustable focus, 240mw pulsed / reading 177mw CW Pretty awesome !
I put the diode inside an Aixiz module. I punched out the 10mw diode that was in there (no way to save it ) and CAREFULLY tapped the new diode into place ! That honestly was the toughest part....I think since this beastie EATS batteries that I am going to redisign it for D cell batts, and put it inot a 3 D cell flashlight to come sooooooon
You gotta totally destroy the dvd burner in order to remove the diode. At least I did ! I was not careful to attempt to re-assemble after the diode was removed - but then again, it was only collecting dust since I got my Lightscribe unit - so why bother ? ;D Once removed from the dvd burner, I highly doubt you can re-insert the diode again.
I am dealing with Rohm Electronics, trying to get some 350mw(cw) red diodes from them. If I can, that would be truly spectacular - then I would build a beastie that blows WL out of the friggin water for sure. It may not be as pretty as the Spyder II case, but I could guarrantee 350mw - where they cannot, and I damn sure wouldn't mark it at two THOUSAND dollars to sell it !!!
Sounds good
I'm looking for a diode to go in a x-y scanner i brought, it only has a 5mw 635nm-670nm diode running at 3volts the dimensions i need is 9mm diametre and 20mm in length the. I want a couple of high powered ones in green and red. If anyone know who has diodes like this for my little project please pm me.
Here's what it looks like i've already pulled it apart and it can be modified to use laser pens but if doing that the case will have to be destroyed, Also there is a feature on it to do dash lines so a diode will be the ticket here. Sorry to get off topic