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Hit by laser direct to the eye


New member
Aug 23, 2021
Hello everyone, maybe its a dumb question but i need to know. This forums user has a lot of knowledge about lasers so i came here, thanks a lot for all of the answers from now on.
Last night my friend and i hanging out, he has a laser pointer, wavelength 630-680 and max output is below 1mw red laser classn2a pointer, but its a China product the low price ones and i dont know can i trust the information, its visible at night time at 700, 1 kilometer. So he hit me directly to my eye and he was so close likely under 1 meter. After that i try this laser, on a shiny little pocket if it can harm or not about 1 mins i looked the dot on pocket directly. Today my hitten eye hurts a little bit, and wetter than the other eye, but no redness and dont painfull at all,
Can a below 1mw laser light hurts my eyes in this situation, i think it can be higher because of chinese product. Can someone light me up.IMG_20210823_013208.jpg



"If you think you need medical help or attention for an eye injury or any other medical problem, you probably do."
"If you have been hit in the eye with a laser and feel you have suffered any type of eye injury as the result of an accident with a laser that may need medical opinion or treatment, go to a hospital Emergency Room and/or consult a qualified Board Certified MD Ophthalmologist ASAP.

LPF is a laser hobbyist website, not physicians, and cannot give any medical or legal advice.
No professional medical or legal advice is available or possible on LPF"

For additional information see laserpointersafety.com here:
Laser Pointer Safety - What to do if you are hit by a laser pointer or laser pen
What were you thinking hurting yourself with the laser more on purpose? For the record laser damage is essentially power density x exposure time so your 1 minute "experiment" might have actually hurt you more than your friend briefly shining it in your eye. But don't take anything said here as medical advice, if you think you were injured you probably are and you should get the right medical attention to be safe.

idk about y'all but 1km visibility sounds just a tad over 1mw to me
Till we have affordable bionic eyes on the market, don't go shining a laser into your eyes!
What were you thinking hurting yourself with the laser more on purpose? For the record laser damage is essentially power density x exposure time so your 1 minute "experiment" might have actually hurt you more than your friend briefly shining it in your eye. But don't take anything said here as medical advice, if you think you were injured you probably are and you should get the right medical attention to be safe.

idk about y'all but 1km visibility sounds just a tad over 1mw to me
How can i understand a lasers mw
How can i understand a lasers mw
mw (milliwatts) are a unit that represents the output power of the laser. With cheap lasers, the real mw is often higher than printed on the label—either because the seller wants to bypass the legal power limit (5mw), it is cheaper to make the laser high powered, or because there is simply no quality control.

1mw of red should be a tame dot, enough brightness to use as a presentation pointer in a room with artificial lighting or to play with a cat, not much more. Shouldn't be able to see the beam at night without fog and should barely be able to see the dot in direct daylight.
At 5mw you can see the dot a bit more but more or less the same.
Beyond that is above the legal limit (to sell lasers) and could risk eye damage. If you can easily see the beam at night (red laser), the dot travels for miles, it can pop balloons, or it hurts to look at the dot, these are all signs it is above 5mw.

Refer to the chart here to see what lasers are capable of at much higher mw levels:

Generally speaking 50mw can pop a black balloon, 100mw can cut black electrical tape, and 1000mw (1W) can burn through plastic, rubber, and many more materials
This is why we can't have anything cool. People do not think! I mean would you look at the sun with an unfiltered lens via telescope...Hell no! It is the sh_t like this that pushes for complete bans. All I can say is one thing-THINK! Now that said, go to the ER! your eyes are too precious.
There's always some idiot posting a thread every once in a while crying that they've been lased in the eye. Trolls or not it's pretty stupid. People who lase each other are the same kind of morons that do those things like the tide pod challenge or shoving tubes up their rear ends and have someone dump a bottle of beer in their intestines.
