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FrozenGate by Avery

Hit by a green laser, I think I am good.


Aug 15, 2012

So today I went with my brother to the supermarket getting some goods.
In the way back home, an asshole on the other road pointed the laser at my eye for asecond.
I feel fine, there was just a small effect ones I got hit like the camera flash, and I got dizzy a bit.

High power laser are rare in my country so I am sure it was maximum 50mw.

There was a 2 windows so I guess they blocked some of the beam, also it was less than a second

My sight is just fine, but because I have already read the the 1w hit thread I feel panic.

Should I get my eye tested ?
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Nup... wait till it's too late, then check them. :thinking:
You have trolled me more than once, this one because of an English mistake, but I wont go down to your level and discuss this with you don't seems to be a person worth to discuss with :yabbmad:
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Yes, go get your eyes checked out, there may be some damage, and you will just panic and be paranoid if you don't go.
I think it is really unlikely you have any damage from a quick flash with a pointer. Anyway for your own "feelgood" you should let them check to be sure.

Good luck :beer:
You have trolled me more than once, this one because of an English mistake, but I wont go down to your level and discuss this with you don't seems to be a person worth to discuss with :yabbmad:

What I was hoping the take away message, from my sarcastic post was, is why are you asking us a seemingly obvious question? If you are worried that it may have done damage.... Go see a doctor.

There really isn't any grey area here... I just don't understand why there has to be a thread about this? :thinking:
It depends on how concerned you are with such things in general.

I've just been to asia for about six weeks and got exposed to a bit of crowd scanning as they tend to do in clubs there. The lasers used aren't usually that powerful (think 50 mW greens or so), but have no scanfails nor MPE regime.

Usually I try to stay out of harms way when they are messing around with those, but sometimes its hard to avoid the occasional stray hit. Mostly there is no negative effect apart from a brief startle from the flash and some short lasting spots in vision.

If you get a fluke hit like this, i'd probably not worry about it too much if your vision returns to normal within 15 minutes or so. If you still have any effect like dark spots or distortion after one hour, i would probably be best to have it checked out at that point.

Obviously it is best to seek medical attention ASAP if you know you have been dagerously hit, but with grazes like these the result very often is simple flash blindness comparable to the result of a camera flash or accidently looking into the sun.
Sadly this is why lawmakers have to restrict lasers. Too many morons treating a scientific instrument as a harmless toy.
