I'm pretty new to lasers and only have a 50mW Ebayser and a ~100mw red DIY laser.
In both cases now the dot is really untidy, it this a problem confined to higher powers as when they are turned down these imperfections become less visable?
When I say untidy, I mean that around the central bright spot, there is what I would describe as a red/green 'haze' which is amplified with distance. (Hence my lovely DIY red looks horrible when projected maybe 10-20m onto a white wall)
If I were to buy a more expensive unit with glass optics would this likely solve these problems?
In both cases now the dot is really untidy, it this a problem confined to higher powers as when they are turned down these imperfections become less visable?
When I say untidy, I mean that around the central bright spot, there is what I would describe as a red/green 'haze' which is amplified with distance. (Hence my lovely DIY red looks horrible when projected maybe 10-20m onto a white wall)
If I were to buy a more expensive unit with glass optics would this likely solve these problems?