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Help on laser pointer store

Ken Hudd

Dec 19, 2018
I placed an order for a 3x beam expander with this company on 12-24-18 and immediately paid for it thru Visa. The payment went thru and it was for $53. I got the order confirmation but never received a shipping notice. For over a week I have emailed and emailed them and attempted to call them on the 1-520-250-0631. The recording keeps saying that this number is not available, and I never have received any replies on my emails. If I paid for something that is advertised, I think I should deserve to get it or at least a reply. Does anybody know of another number or a way that I can contact these people about my order?

As in Laserpointerstore that's advertised up top ^^^??
Yikes I don't know what to say??
As in Laserpointerstore that's advertised up top ^^^??
Yikes I don't know what to say??
Yes, that is the one. Actually this forum is where I found what I was looking for in that store!
Like Encap said, and if you get your money back, order the 3X B.E. from Sanwu Laser.
I thought about that, going ahead and doing it. I have a 7w striker on the way with a 3x expander and adapter. The expander looks identicle to the one I have been attempting to get from laser pointer store. I need it for my thor ultra 5w which uses a 11.4mm thread head. But I don't know if it would be the same.
Isn't tommy the user name of one of their reps? Have you tried sending him a PM? I would not expect to get faster shipping from Sanwu as many here have said they do take their time in shipping things out.
I don't think Sanwu would be any faster either, it's just another option in case he can't get any satisfaction with Laser pointer store / Tommy.
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I’m glad I saw this!! I attempted to order one of the 532nm USB pens. Upon trying to check out, the function didn’t seem to work. I know a number of people here have ordered successfully...
Hope you get it resolved.
Same beam expander, shipping can be slow, I have seen them on ebay from time to time for a few dollars more however I always buy from sanwu.

This ebay seller has only 97% feedback so.........at your own peril....although you do have ebay buyer protection.

I always try my best to stay above 99 percent, as most people, like you and I, will not give any feedback at all, over a bad experience. Then there is some that cant be satisfied no matter what.
I am HUDD02 there, with 100% since 2002.
I’m glad I saw this!! I attempted to order one of the 532nm USB pens. Upon trying to check out, the function didn’t seem to work. I know a number of people here have ordered successfully...
Hope you get it resolved.
There is that possibility that there is a sickness or death in the family, if the company is small enough.
I'm pretty sure it's the same expander, I just measured my Sanwu 3X expander threads, and it measures11.43 mm
Thank you! I will still need to wait to see if I will need the extension, as the striking head appears very similar to the striker.
You will just have to wait and see what happens and take appropriate action.

PS Please avoid multiple posting--use the edit function instead and combine several posts into one post.
Multiple --double and triple posting is annoying and frowned upon on LPF
You will just have to wait and see what happens and take appropriate action.

PS Please avoid multiple posting--use the edit function instead and combine several posts into one post.
Multiple --double and triple posting is annoying and frowned upon on LPF
Sorry, I didn't know I was doing multiple postings. Is this related to one subject? I just have a lot of questions that I could not find on here.
