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FrozenGate by Avery

Help needed!! Sanwu Dimmers


New member
Aug 22, 2021
Hey, I'm new here.😁

I have recently got into lasers, and have been playing around with a green 303 laser pointer from wish I was happy with it but not satisfied because it's not something I made. ( AND don't worry I am aware they are way more powerful than 5mw)

Anyways... After watching numerous yt videos of insane laser builds from styropyro and the god-given talent from Everett Bradford etc, I am currently looking to build an elegant handheld laser between 480nm-495nm and roughly 1w. But because I usually over complicating things and add complex things into my usual builds I really want to add a feature where I can control the power of the laser. Sure just use a potentiometer after the driver!!!!!!!!! Nah! this simply won't look good and I am trying to implement the "magnetic dimmer switch" from the Sanwu lasers. I love this rotating mechanism


This is the laser that made up my mind about the style of dimmer switch. (RGB laser)
So if i want it soo bad, why don't i just buy it, simply put money doesn't grow on trees, well at least mine doesn't, and it is far too expensive for me.

But I have tried to find these switches or the schematics of the laser itself, but no luck.

So please if any1 can help please do...Trying to make my laser build have the same rotating mechanism as the sanwu laser, is driving me insane.

Hey, I'm new here.😁

I have recently got into lasers, and have been playing around with a green 303 laser pointer from wish I was happy with it but not satisfied because it's not something I made. ( AND don't worry I am aware they are way more powerful than 5mw)

Anyways... After watching numerous yt videos of insane laser builds from styropyro and the god-given talent from Everett Bradford etc, I am currently looking to build an elegant handheld laser between 480nm-495nm and roughly 1w. But because I usually over complicating things and add complex things into my usual builds I really want to add a feature where I can control the power of the laser. Sure just use a potentiometer after the driver!!!!!!!!! Nah! this simply won't look good and I am trying to implement the "magnetic dimmer switch" from the Sanwu lasers. I love this rotating mechanism


This is the laser that made up my mind about the style of dimmer switch. (RGB laser)
So if i want it soo bad, why don't i just buy it, simply put money doesn't grow on trees, well at least mine doesn't, and it is far too expensive for me.

But I have tried to find these switches or the schematics of the laser itself, but no luck.
So please if any1 can help please do...Trying to make my laser build have the same rotating mechanism as the sanwu laser, is driving me insane.
Short answer: Would cost more to develop than buying a ranger from sanwu.
Now, Where did you find said 1w diode at that range? I am interested.
Short answer: Would cost more to develop than buying a ranger from sanwu.
Now, Where did you find said 1w diode at that range? I am interested.
Hey Giannis_TDM

Wow. You're right such diodes at my specific nm doesn't exist yet. 😭 But I am only interested in the turquoise colour and not the specific nm of light.
But if you are looking for a similar 1 I found a 470nm 1w diode. :ebay.co.uk/itm/362812499548 ( im new so cannot post links)
Tbh, I was aiming for around 500mw that way I could increase the power output up to 500mw and no more. ( As a Safety precaution.)
FYI - You're looking at a ~$4,200 price tag for any 480-495nm diode at any power higher than the sharp GH04850B2G can offer. You may be able to get around it just a little by combining two diodes with a PBS, but any more is really not that feasible in a handheld... and it won't make it to the 500mW range even after that
