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FrozenGate by Avery

Help Finding/Building a 532nm External power Laser


New member
May 6, 2024
My goals are the following:
1. 532nm with weak or no 1064nm emissions. The narrower the bandwidth the better.
2. 50-150mW output.
3. Laboratory DC power supply, or wall-wart powered are the goal. Batteries do not fit my use case.
4. Can be powered for 60s at a time without failure, overheating, or serious fluctuations in power output,

I'm new to this world. My only successes so far have been with building a near UV laser many many years go which burnt itself into uselessness after powering on for the first time. That was despite building a diode test board for the driver, and attempting to be due diligent. Meaning that I could use some help.

I have a 532nm laser pointer from amazon or ebay. The power is sufficient, but it's one of those classic brass heat-sink, resistor driven, soldered directly to the driver and battery builds. Taking it apart is probably more hassle then it is worth. Depending on the state of the battery, the thickness of the case... probably a slight hazard. It also might not last for extended illumination?

Can anyone point me to keywords of interest, off the shelf-drivers, guides, or anything like this? I'll accept more help if it is available, but, getting some directionality would help a lot.

What you're looking for is fairly inexpensive. As Encap said eBay is likely your best friend for this. I know from experience that the ones below 140 mW are less expensive than ones that reach 200 mW as the pump diode in the first is only 0.5 watts while the latter is 1 watt.
