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FrozenGate by Avery

Help bypassing momentary switch!

Apr 29, 2014
Hi guys, I'm following this Instructable (Step 9) Laser Spirograph on building my first spirograph and I'm completely lost as to where I have to solder a wire to the "right component of a surface mount transistor" to bypass the switch and allow me to use a DPDT toggle switch instead of the momentary button switch.

PLEASE help!!




Lol this project is due in 6 hours so I'm cutting it quite close. Thank you!!
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Momentary switch is the largest component on the second picture. Just solder a wire to both of it's pads to permanently turn it "on" allowing you to use an outside power control (if I understood right what you're trying to achieve).
I do want to use an outside power control, the toggle switch, but the guy in the instructable wrapped the red wire around the brass heat sink and then soldered the black wire to a component on the other side of the momentary switch. I'm trying to figure out where he soldered and why since our diodes are not the same.

What would the polarity be on the switch anyway? Red/Black goes to which side? I'm sorry for the infinite questions but you're seriously helping me out. Thanks!
you shouldn't have to do anything fancy like that. E already told you what you have to do to bypass it the switch. It sounds like the other person just jumped the switch to the next component, which would work as well, but is overly complex. you can just jump the two sides of the swich and it'll work fine or add your own switch where it was.

also no need to make duplicate topic.
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Just grab an extra wire half an inch long and connect two sides of the switch.

Black wire would go to your spring, and red wire to the small pad next to the spring marked with a plus sign.

Connect battery negative to black, battery positive to red and voila. Photons.
