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Hello, laser noob, but generally a techie


New member
Aug 19, 2022
Hello all,

I am recently retired from working nuclear engineer (operations and safety) and closed out my working career as a cryogenics (refrigeration) engineer. Large span of thermodynamics.

I almost accepted a position at NIF to work support with nuclear fusion group that just had the breakthrough. I did not want to live in CA again and they were not offering enough for my wife to shutdown her business and rebuild it out there. She photographs horse shows and covers all the major events on the East Coast.

Which leads me to here to ask questions about possibly using a laser setup for triggering a camera. I will post a separate question with and what I am looking to do and what I have already tried.

Let me know if I need to put anything else in this message, or please move it to the appropriate forum as I did not see one specifically marked for introductions.
