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Hello all, Im new to LPF


New member
Feb 16, 2019
Hello all, I was introduced to LPF with a welcoming note from Sumfinclever in my email this morning. I'm not sure how all of this posting and making new threads works, still trying to figure it all out! So, with that being said I will try to be short, and give a brief intro of myself. Im not big on or into social media, I do have a Twitter account , but that's about it... I live here in MD, I work in Medical Imaging as a Radiographer/MRI Tech , Im the one that takes your X-ray , or performs your MRI exam, not a Dr!! lol. I listen to Alt. Rock and some other stuff, depending on my mood, I love to go to live concerts! Most of the bands I like usually tour to a lot of the venues w/in about an hour or so from where I live. I also play the Drums, although im not the greatest, I took lessons 10 or so yrs ago for about 2 yrs, and have stuck with it! just for fun and a release... its a great feeling to sit down at my set and forget about everything and play away!!!🤘

About 4 yrs ago I started playing Disc Golf, and fell in love with it the first time! I play in local sanctioned and non sanctioned PDGA tournaments throughout the season.. YES, the Professional Disc Golf Assoc. is a real thing, you should check it out. DG gets me outside, not that I need an excuse, it good times with friends and good exercise. I also play many sports, activities, I grew up being an athlete. I have a few drones, DJI phantom 3 and Mavic Pro.

Well this has become longer than intended.... hahaha, so now onto my recent re-obsession, if that's a word?, with lasers...
I have ALWAYS been attracted to bright/shiny things, for some reason I have always taken a liking to bright/colorful and loud things, prolly why I like the drums and rock music as well. I bought a few cheapies over the years, and then moved on to bigger and better(higher mw output) about 10 yrs ago, when I purchased my first high output (supposedly) 1W 445nm Blue laser from wicked lasers! Boy I was excited!!!! I took me awhile to justify spending 300$ on something that first of all, I was mostly embarrassed to tell or show anyone because no one I know could understand why some one like me would want a 1W laser. "what the hell are you gonna do with that" is what I would hear, and to be honest, there are not many things to do with a true burning laser.... For me it the beauty of the beam, not really the aspect of burning. So I kinda keep most of my lasers in a box under my bed, and take them out from time to time to enjoy the visual aspect and beauty!!! That was 10 yrs ago, shortly after that I bought a WL 532nm pen style 200mw pointer, then I found O-like Lasers online and proceeded to get one of their (I believe) 750mw 445nm and a 520 or 525nm 400mw green with both being same style hosts with adjustable focus.
honestly and sadly for the last 9-10 yrs they have lived under my bed in a box... but recently I started my obsession... and lets just say, I have spent WAY TOO MUCH on handheld lasers for the last 3 months.... im addicted again... I visited Sanwu lasers online one day, after doing some minor research on the best lasers to buy now a days, and lets just say my collection has gotten outta control!!!!🙄

so hear I am, now I have joined LPF, im checking some things out in the forums, and trying to learn some things. Not sure if I'll ever be the type to build my own handheld laser (I have thought a lot about it tho) there would have to be a lot of research before that happens, because I have always liked to take things apart and repair stuff (or try to) like electronics or what ever, im kinda a self proclaimed handy man... so LPF would be the place I would def. be able to find what im looking for...

whew.... and to think I wasn't gonna do this today...

thanks for reading!

Great intro. thread, MRI3T, sounds like you'll fit right in here at LPF! :)
Sanwu and Jetlasers are both excellent companies to purchase from, also, be sure and have the proper safety eyewear for your particular laser wavelengths.

Survival Laser is a great place to go for reasonably priced, quality safety glasses/goggles.

Have fun, stay safe, and enjoy your stay!
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Is the Sanwu RGB with all the glowing tritium vials on your profile in your collection or just there to lust after - Lucky person you are if it's the former!

Hope you enjoy your stay :)
I am the lucky owner of that beauty!! It is truly amazing!! It is amazing build quality!!! The magnet adjusters are so smooth. I bought the RGB w/o the trits to keep costs down, but then immediately ordered some from another site and installed them myself. I got my first seven multiple colors, and found out that the blue and reds are not very bright.. I have a few more on order from another site to fulfill the total of 14. Beside it, is the copper guardian 488nm cyan 150mw from Sanwu as well... thanks for noticing, as I said in my initial post, I have went overboard on buying lasers!!! Or, is there such a thing as TOO many???!!!
Is the Sanwu RGB with all the glowing tritium vials on your profile in your collection or just there to lust after - Lucky person you are if it's the former!

Hope you enjoy your stay :)

I am the lucky owner of that beauty!! It is truly amazing!! It is amazing build quality!!! The magnet adjusters are so smooth. I bought the RGB w/o the trits to keep costs down, but then immediately ordered some from another site and installed them myself. I got my first seven multiple colors, and found out that the blue and reds are not very bright.. I have a few more on order from another site to fulfill the total of 14. Beside it, is the copper guardian 488nm cyan 150mw from Sanwu as well... thanks for noticing, as I said in my initial post, I have went overboard on buying lasers!!! Or, is there such a thing as TOO many???!!!
Great intro. thread, MRI3T, sounds like you'll fit right in here at LPF! :)
Sanwu and Jetlasers are both excellent companies to purchase from, also, be sure and have the proper safety eyewear for your particular laser wavelengths.

Survival Laser is a great place to go for reasonably priced, quality safety glasses/goggles.

Have fun, stay safe, and enjoy your stay!
Thank you for the info, and yes I definitely have the proper eyewear!!!
I’m happy to be a part of this community!!
I'm glad you enjoy your collection!

If you can in future threads, use the "edit" button at the bottom of each of your comments to add replies inline, and you can also reply to as many comments as you like in a single reply by highlighting the text and clicking reply near the text you just highlighted. Keeps the post-count down and reduces notification spam for other users :)
Welcome to the LPF. You don't need to post multiple times to answer posts by other members here. Just click on reply from the last one and go up and click on reply on the rest. Then you can answer all of them in one post. Multiple posing is frowned upon here. Stay safe and enjoy your stay here.
Welcome to the LPF. You don't need to post multiple times to answer posts by other members here. Just click on reply from the last one and go up and click on reply on the rest. Then you can answer all of them in one post. Multiple posing is frowned upon here. Stay safe and enjoy your stay here.

Understood, as I said I am new to this forum and I am trying to figure it out. But geez, Now I’m feeling as if I shouldn’t post or reply....?😕
I'm glad you enjoy your collection!

If you can in future threads, use the "edit" button at the bottom of each of your comments to add replies inline, and you can also reply to as many comments as you like in a single reply by highlighting the text and clicking reply near the text you just highlighted. Keeps the post-count down and reduces notification spam for other users :)
Maybe I’m onto something?!?
But geez, Now I’m feeling as if I shouldn’t post or reply....?😕
No - don't worry, as you said you're learning the ropes, so it's absolutely fine. Please don't be put off from posting! If you can, take a read through the Sticky threads as it'll give you some background on the forum & laser related activities that you may find helpful.
Understood, as I said I am new to this forum and I am trying to figure it out. But geez, Now I’m feeling as if I shouldn’t post or reply....?😕

It was not my intention to scold you or make you feel that you did something terrible. I know you are new and I was only trying to inform you. Many new members here make this same mistake, so you are in good company.
hey MRI3T, welcome to LPF. wait till you start collecting all the wavelengths! great bio, be sure to check out Geeks corner threads. I bet you could be a great contributing member!
Welcome to LPF
I hope you enjoy this illuminating and addictive hobby and please remember to always lase safely. :)
No - don't worry, as you said you're learning the ropes, so it's absolutely fine. Please don't be put off from posting! If you can, take a read through the Sticky threads as it'll give you some background on the forum & laser related activities that you may find helpful.

Yeah,(y) I have been perusing some of the threads, checking things out that interest me !
It was not my intention to scold you or make you feel that you did something terrible. I know you are new and I was only trying to inform you. Many new members here make this same mistake, so you are in good company.

No worries, you can’t offend me that easy ! As I work in the medical field !!;)
hey MRI3T, welcome to LPF. wait till you start collecting all the wavelengths! great bio, be sure to check out Geeks corner threads. I bet you could be a great contributing member!

Thanks!! I will have to make a note and check out geeks corner! Oh yeah, I have definitely been sucked in too fast and so hard I’ve already accumulated quite a few, even high-powered, wavelengths In handhelds!! Including that beauty Sanwu RGB! I really like my 488nm 150mw too....

Welcome to LPF
I hope you enjoy this illuminating and addictive hobby and please remember to always lase safely. :)

That’s a must!!
I have wondered how close to 150 mW that 488nm laser is. The diode they use is a Sharp 490nm diode that can measure anywhere from 487nm to 492nm. But, unless you use a short focal length aspheric lens, it is difficult to get 150mW out of it. Those lenses give a rectangular artifact off to the side of the focused dot, so you need to use an acrylic lens or a 520nm AR coated 2 element glass lens which loses up to 20% of your power by using one. Typically, one wouldn't want top drive these much past 300 mA, so you are limited in just how much optical power you can get out of these diodes.
