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FrozenGate by Avery

Guidesman build kit.

Sep 19, 2010

I have an extra guidesman host im not going to use. It is a black guidesman. It has a flexdrive (set at 1.4A IIRC) which is thermal adhesived to a coin. All you need to complete the build is a diode in a module and a glass lens. Could have a 1.3w-1.6w build for around $115.

Looking for $50CAD before shipping (price of host and drive)
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Out of curiousity, how much would just the host alone be, without the flexdrive?
Out of curiousity, how much would just the host alone be, without the flexdrive?

Guidesman w/o HS is around $8-$10 on ebay
Guidesman + HS was $25 from either Moh or Ray (cant remember which)

There isnt much point of me selling just the host as I already have the drive thermal ahdesived to a coin and everything wires and good to go.
