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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser pointer need help finding replacement lens for a old plastic one


Apr 24, 2014
I have a green laser pointer that came with a crap plastic lens that screws in and it's damaged now and makes the laser scattered rather than a fine clear clean dot, and I don't know enough about laser pointers to know what or where I should look and buy for a green laser pointer glass lens that will fit, I'm trying to add pictures so if anyone could maybe help me out it would be much appreciated.

I cannot figure out how to get pictures uploaded from mobile, but if you see this thread and know anything about green lasers and the types of lenses for them I'll check back and see if I can get the pictures uploaded from my computer rather than mobile, I really appreciate all your time and help
Finding a single glass lens to replace a plastic one is tricky at best. The green laser of 532nm wavelength is a DPSS laser. Here is a link for 5 each glass expanding lenses and 5 glass collimating lenses for $7.60. The link is www.ebay.com/itm/291121815633. Good luck.
