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Green Laser not working?

Jul 2, 2013
I was using my green laser and all of a sudden it just stopped working? Now it does nothing. The laser is a 5mW laser. I bought it a few days days ago, i have not dropped it, i has been used in about 70 degree weather, it takes cr123a batteries, those are the batteries that have given it and its an Aims Sport laser. Can you help?
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I was using my green laser and all of a sudden it just stopped working? can you help?

Could you provide a little more information? As far as I know none of us here are psychic. :confused:
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Have you dropped it recently, in what conditions (temperature) has been used, what batteries does it accept, what batteries have you been feeding it, where have you bought it and when.

You know, stuff that we can use to determine the source of the problem.
Also, where did you get the laser from, when did you get it, etc. would be helpful
Ok, that's better. Aim Sport: Does that mean it's a rifle mount laser? If so how much use has it had? The crystals in DPSS lasers (The type you have) are somewhat fragile and could have been damaged by recoil. If that's the case, it's a lost cause.

The other option as already mentioned are the batteries. Have you tried a new set? Are you using rechargeable or off the shelf batteries?
