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FrozenGate by Avery

Green Laser not working to full power

i charged it for like 3 hours , but i still cant get why the dot is not clear? Its a X or a cirle around it. And it wont burn :/ .
Did you have it on for more than a 30 seconds? - may have over heated.

Was the laser close to the bag you were burning? May have smoke on the lens. Use search at the bottom of forums to search on how to clean it.
Can you explain more? how do you mean by have it on for 30 sec? how does it overheat..

Its my first laser so...... Sorry xD
all lasers inside a host build up some small heat overtime from the diode or crystals like 532nm, the longer on the more it generates and it sounds to me you bought a shitty laser thats why u get that, good lasers cost a bit but you enjoy this hobby more if you invest in quality and not mass produced garbage from china with zero quality control!
Re overheating: Research "duty cycle" (using search at bottom of page).
At what MW can a laser start burning ciggares,matches and plastic bags?
250 MW?
Where can i buy a good laser?
100mW if focus right should be enough but 200 or more its powerful for sure to do that.

what is your budget on good laser? if u say 30$ then its no point recommending u one.
