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FrozenGate by Avery

Green Laser Builder services in the U.S.


New member
Oct 7, 2020

I have a BeamQ Rifle sight laser advertised at 200mw, very bright dot and beam but I have no way to verify the power. The cold effects it during outdoor shooting but I have solved that with a hand warmer around it for the duration of the range time. Is there anyone I could send it to, to verify the power and maybe juice it up. It takes either a CR123 batt or a 16340 rechargeable. I also noticed the spring gets compressed sometimes from the recoil and I had to stretch it a tad. I'm sure there are better ones. Comparing it to the Feyachi brand green rifle sight laser it is more powerful.

I am a User not a builder and do not have the expertise. If anyone could do this work pls PM me so we can discuss it. I know many in here are quite gifted in knowledge of these gadgets and I respect that. I am an older guy with aging eyes.

Thank you all kindly,


  • High Power 200mW Green Laser Rifle Sight 1.jpg
    High Power 200mW Green Laser Rifle Sight 1.jpg
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Same post as 6 December 2020, different day? https://laserpointerforums.com/threads/green-laser-rifle-sight-help.107719/
Just repeating the same again is unlikely to produce a different answer.?
The laser pointers dealt with/built by members here do not have any capacity for azimuth and elevation adjustments.

Output power -if what you have from BeamQ outputs between 100mW and 200mW it is already 20 to 40 times the maximum legal US FDA power limit for a rifle sight laser of 5mW so...
The highest output 532nm small low cost/mass produced DPSS laser module is 200mW, most all offered are lower output and they are not adjustable or transformable into higher output devices.

It is not worth fooling with a low end/low quality low cost mass produced item for several reasons economic, technical, and legal. Is time and materials cost prohibitive to evaluate completely reengineering/changing the entire guts of what amounts to a $5 to $10 laser host/shell. Several hundreds of dollars of time/effort and materials just to evaluate what could be done within that laser housing's size/space and heat dissipation limitations and what the costs would be do whatever that is.

Same rifle sight lasers as you have are all over eBay for between $15 and $20 for complete kit https://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_fr...TitleDesc=0&_osacat=0&_odkw=laser+rifle+sight

If you want just a laser pointer with 1" diameter tube to put in the rail mount, somebody could make/put together one that has a higher output using a 520mW laser diode, however spot size will larger to begin with than a 532nm and then larger and larger as distance increases due to divergence of the diode laser.

You can have a look here at a Sanwu 1.2W 520nm @ $420 + shipping green laser with 24mm diameter plain round host and unlimited runtime duty cycle---perhaps you could make the clamp you have work with it--still no azimuth or elevation adjustments but very bright and very eyesight dangerous--requirng laser glasses/goggles for safe use.. https://www.sanwulasers.com/product/silver

If you just want to have the laser you have output metered with a Laser Power Meter perhaps a member might LPM it for you if you paid shipping both ways.
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This one went bad too? Man I'd say to stay away from that brand of lasers then because this is the second one.

There's no heatsinking for the module and a 200mw dpss 532nm laser requires it at that power. So they must be burning out from normal use and you can't put in a heatsink because that will take away the ability to adjust it. There's a flat spring in there that presses the module against the host and you turn the screws to center the laser module. There's no room for any heatsink sadly
