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FrozenGate by Avery

Green laser advice

Apr 6, 2015
Hey i'm looking for something with big and bright beam.it's need to be cheap like under 50$ and it's need to have a visable and strong beam in daylight and its need to burn something such as paper and matches please give me advice and i need free shipping

I'm thinking 300 mv and 532nm green laser but in reviews they say it hasn't got good beam
Hey man, just wait for replies. If you need to add something, just edit your post.
Also, fill out your profile so we know where you are.

Your wishlist:
~Under $50

I don't think you'll find a quality laser pointer at that price. However, you can get close. (kinda)

Your best bet: LP 515nm 532nm 1-150

Do know how to properly protect yourself against lasers? (Hint: goggles) If not, you need to do some research. Read through all the stickies.

No way can you get a green laser with a visible beam in daylight for under $50. I used to have an $600 500mW 532 and it's beam was barely visible at high noon.

cutyall has provided you with a link to a good company & safety advice. If you have not yet, please buy safety goggles before such a laser as these aren't little pointer toys.

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