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Green 507 512 532 beams' comparison

Jan 5, 2011
Did not want to hijack Review: 510nm Direct Green Diodes / Build Photos (DGH-N1, DGH-N2) at http://laserpointerforums.com/f45/r...-diodes-build-photos-dgh-n1-dgh-n2-69678.html

Three [507 nm and 512 nm] lasers are a diode type. 532 nm - a DPSS laser.
All beams were defocused deliberately. A camera exposure was reduced to underexpose than overexpose. On my monitor, colors almost match reality just lack liveliness. >> Should be good for a color therapy :whistle:




  • beamsgreen.jpg
    16.8 KB · Views: 1,821

Interesting. Seems like the road to direct green is producing all kinds of interesting new wavelengths.

I assume you have manufacturer connections that lets you get engineering samples?
You know what they say about assuming ;-)

Thanks for sharing. It would appear that at this point in time, all we can hope for is pics of output,
It is interesting the strange, asymmetric quality of the output. Do these still have a lens in front, or is that with all secondary optics removed?
You know what they say about assuming ;-)

Thanks for sharing. It would appear that at this point in time, all we can hope for is pics of output,
It is interesting the strange, asymmetric quality of the output. Do these still have a lens in front, or is that with all secondary optics removed?

I don't have to assume anymore. I'm fairly sure all these are from the same source as the ones rhd and aryntha got now.. As are the ones laser66 on PL is advertising.

Those diodes will range anywhere from 505nm to 520nm since they aren't binned. Which I think laser66 on pl is going to run into issues with. People are going to buy expecting 510 and if they get higher or lower.. well, as you can see what difference 5nm makes in this spectrum range.. I'm actually hoping the one i'm getting will measure low. For the price, i'll be a little disapointed if it's up near 520 and isn't drastically different from 532nm. I'm hoping for 505nm myself. :p
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Yes, i'm more than aware how much these shift with current. It's actually temperature related more than current though, going by the datasheet information i've seen. But higher current means higher temps.. Mine will probably get set to whatever current yields ~50mW or so.

Other option would be to use a much larger host and TEC it.
