Just as it says on the tin, since I value my eye sight too much, I have no desire to fry my retina(s), so I was thinking whether for DVD-red lasers glasses like used in goggles for autogenic welding are safe enough?
Alternatively I also have glasses used for arc welding, but with those everything looks so dark.
It's no problem to buy a proper pair, but since I'm from Holland, stuff like that is not so easily available over here.
I got quoted some prices some time ago from a local supplier, but $550 is more like a piss take to me.
Your thoughts, please.:bowdown:
Alternatively I also have glasses used for arc welding, but with those everything looks so dark.
It's no problem to buy a proper pair, but since I'm from Holland, stuff like that is not so easily available over here.
I got quoted some prices some time ago from a local supplier, but $550 is more like a piss take to me.
Your thoughts, please.:bowdown: