Forgive me all as this is boring to most of the members but I finally recieved my SciFi 1W blue 445 after waiting 33 days or so witch was expected. but other than my 150+mw green this is all new territory for me so im excited. I believe I took my time and im ready and no its not all powerfull but its more than plenty for me (for now). Its a bummer though as I cant play with it for a while have something to do. I did a quick check tested 2 of my (cheapie) 16340s at 4.1v a piece and wow, its just like everyone said its more on the purple side. Im going to put it through its paces when I get back but if anyone has any advice they think is important im all ears. My best glasses are the the HDE red and they seam to do a good job. Sorry for the stupid exictement but had to tell my LPF family..