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FrozenGate by Avery

Fallen down the rabbit hole...

Jan 31, 2017
... and I'm not sure I'm coming back.

I started a laser engraver build because I had some extra parts laying around. The laser originally was kind of an uninteresting part, just a high tech saw really. Now it's the primary part of the project that I'm focusing one (see what I did there?). For the last week I've been spending the most time looking into and reading lasers. I think I'm turning into a laser guy.

I have a couple of questions I think I answered, but don't want to mess up or waste money.

First, a Themister. I guess I just thermal epoxy it to the back of the diode? Doing that makes the most sense to me, but I haven't seen it described anywhere.

Second, the NUBM44. I think I shouldn't have bought this diode for my needs. It just arrived today, and I don't even have a driver board for it yet, but I think I jumped the gun when I ordered it. More Watts = More Better, am I right? :)

After I delved into the subject a lot more, after I ordered from DTR - I know, wrong order, I see that it's practically impossible to focus it well enough for decent engraving. (I have DTRs G2 lens, and when I was buying some protective shielding from JTech, I picked up their lens as well).

I'm still waiting for parts, and at this stage in a project I get anxious and want to do something. Is it even worth trying with the diode I have or should I just order another type of diode and build a pointer or something with the NUBM44? Is the NUBM08 or even the NUBM06 a better choice?

My goal was some engraving, but more cutting of cardstock, thin wood (fine veneer work), and some plastics.

I don't wanna spend any more money, but while I'm working on this, I might as well do it now if I won't be happy with the results.

Lastly I got the BlackBuck 8a to drive the NUBM44. If I have to buy another diode, can anyone recommend a good one (4 or 4.5a - depending on the above question) that is a little larger in physical size? I can solder but sometimes I don't need something that small.

Thank you, now back to reading the forums!

I haven't bought one... but $350 is isnsane, my spare parts build is almost near that amount... and it's 1/10 of the price of a glowforge.
I haven't bought one... but $350 is isnsane, my spare parts build is almost near that amount... and it's 1/10 of the price of a glowforge.

I personally wouldn't recommend those machines. I have had experience with one and there are always problems. The software is usually extremely limiting as well. The common problems are laser producing patchy engraves, not following vectors precisely and sometimes going haywire. Good luck getting any high quality work. The biggest concern, it has no real safety features. The door can be lifted up during operation.

Laser cutters that are that cheap, are cheap for a reason. ;)
Has anyone used one of these? 348.99 delivered sounds good, likely a 3000-4000 hour replaceable 40w tube with very good beam shape, I just don't see a solid state diode ready to compete yet, sure a yttrium fiber laser would be nice, but not at anywhere near this price.

12 034 x 8 034 ENGRAVER Cutter 40W CO2 Laser Engraving Machine w Exhaust Fan USB Port | eBay
Looks interesting....
he ships from China but will ONLY ship to the USA.:undecided:

