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FrozenGate by Avery

Ebay special 532nm laser

Sep 15, 2015
I recently decided I want to build a laser, I've searched and searched and keep comming up with alot of not much.

I bought a couple ebay lasers and a pair of safety glasses that were recommended on this site. I figure if nothing else the ebay lasers may be a good host, or at least a fun novelty item until they break. The laser 303 was pretty powerful. I didn't try to catch anything on fire with it though. A friend bought it off me the day after I got it in the mail. :/

Anyway I tore the one I have left down and discovered it uses amc 7135's. I've built several dozen flashlights so I was pretty stoked. I stacked one like I would to boost the output with and LED flashlight and measured the tailcap, it's reading .7A.

My concerns are, how much more can this diode handle, and if I stack enough chips will it eventually be able to burn stuff?

Originally I was going to do a zener modded driver swap in one of these hosts and see what happens when I put 8.4v @1.05A to the laser diode. I'm not sure what type of heatsink would be needed or if the diode will instantly blow. I also have an xbox 360 that doesnt want to work anymore, is the diode in that worth salvaging?

The module is more than likely already pushed to its limit to not fry the diode, well at least not right away. Without knowing what the module and pump diode it's probably not a good idea to increase the voltage to it but I'm sure much more knowledgeable minds than mine will chime in.
Seems like you have good working knowledge of this stuff, just build one. Laser land sells somewhat decent 100mW 532 modules for 35$. I even have a couple they claim are 200mW but haven't put them on a power source yet nor do I know how much IR is coming out of them. The company wrote me back about this and said it will do at least 150mW green light but does not have a filter on it. I bought two if you want one I'd sell one to you. It's a 200mW module but doubt it will put out that much 532 but a few others have used these and say they are decent for the money. I've been told you can get this same module in 100mW for cheaper but since Laserland has had a decent track record I chose to spend a little extra in hopes I get better quality. I have compared the modules from them to the supposed same modules that cost 5-10$ and they are definitely different in appearance so I'm not sure how true it is that all these eBay 532 modules are the exact same. Could be, I don't have as much experience as those that claim they are the same but they are different looking that I am sure. Seem like nicer drivers.
532 modules of good quality tend to be hard to find IME.
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That offer is really tempting, I may take you up on that if the next laser doesn't turn out right. I ended up with 4 total stacked 7135 chips on this driver. A buddy at work said there was a very noticable difference in the beam, having saw it before (stock) and after. He just bought it off me, so now I'm out of lasers. :(

I am going to order an aizix housing off ebay and see what I can come up with. I need a source for a diode that is able to handle alot of power. I think the last laser is maxed out at 3 amc7135x350 chips. It was reading .86A at the tailcap, and even after the 4th chip it still maxed out at .86A. My opinion, probably wrong, is that the module doesn't have a good enough heatsink. The cheap aluminum just doesn't cut it in flashlights either.

This is a link to the laser I'm referring to, it is nice and definitely a good buy at around $10 shipped if you just want a laser to impress friends.
5MILES Range 532nm Green Laser Pointer Light Pen Visible Beam High Power Lazer | eBay

This laser303 is better out of the box for sure. The modules are different between the two. The first one has an aluminum heatsink with a fixed (plastic glued to the housing) reflector of sorts, the laser 303 has an aluminum case around the diode with a lens, and it also has a "focus" head that screws on top with a glass collimator. I almost want to stick an 18350 in one and mount it on my kids AR, if it had a rear clicky switch...

Military 532nm 5mW 303 Green Laser Pointer Lazer Pen Burning Beam 18650 Charger | eBay

I'm probably going to order a couple more laser 303's because I like the hosts. The key lock is awesome, even if its a crappy cheap key and lock, it still does the job. I like that the host has two battery tube extentions for running cr123/18350/16340/18650 configurations. Being a side clicky is kinda a turn off to me but you can't win 'em all.
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That first link you may want to re-think. Those are pretty common and some people have gotten decent ones but other like myself have ordered a couple and they were the worst laser I have bought. Jumps around all over the place and so much splash it almost looked like a diffraction lens was on it.

Before you order one of those maybe as Alaskan what seller he bought his off of. He bought some that were decent I re-call.

I bought A 100mW cheapO from this seller on Ebay and its quite good. I have dropped it, been to the desert a bunch of times, its true 100mW to the dot 532 and was only like 30$. He was also really honest which I appreciated.
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