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FrozenGate by Avery

DX Lasers: Don't use the batteries!

Jul 4, 2007
I got a 50mW DX laser today - quite happy with it.

But, I initially used the cheapo Chinese alkaline AAA's it came with. After a few minutes - of not using the laser, I noticed the barrel getting very hot behind the power switch and the laser was dead. I pulled it apart and dropped the batteries. One of them was almost too hot to touch. Must have had an internal short.

Swapped out with Energizers and no problem.

Lesson learned - toss the DX batteries!

Otherwise this laser is great. It burns better than my BFG. >:(

-- Rev

Dang - I too had an issue with the cheapo freebies included....I actually got them STUCK inside the battery compartment - and out of frustration ended up destroying the battery compartment to get the damned batteries out ! Well, I now have a super nice module to use :P hehehehehe (DOH !) Lesson learned - take your time, and don;t rush things !
hmm i just bought a bunch of 50mW DX lasers for friends
ill be sure to tell em to toss the included batts
well luckily my batteries were fine. and idk, i cant turn down free batteries, lol. but if i feel any abnormal heating il toss them right away next time.
When you point your laser at your hand, do you feel any heat?

Reason i ask is, i received my 5omw yesterday and it does not burn a thing
from my cheap ebay 50mW i feel slight warmth on my palm from the laser but if i put a black dot on my hand and shine the laser on that its quite painful.
