CE-marking is a general European certification which means a product complies to a set of general demands, as well as a specific set of demands depending on the product. For safety eyewear, there are of course specific demands. For laser eyewear these demands are described in EN-207.
If I zoom in on the text on top of the goggles, it reads:
"200nm-540nm OD>4 CE"
In the other thread about these goggles it was clearly demonstrated these goggles do not have OD>4 for 532nm light. Furthermore I see no CE specification number, just the CE sign. Fishy. To sum it all up: not goggles I'd trust.
edit: I just noticed the goggles on the pictures that laserlover took in his review thread, do not have text on them at all. Weird stuff.
That particular manufacturer has a CE certification for OD4 532nm. That does not necessarily mean the glasses that are being sold are the OD4 532nm certified lenses. So the DX may not be OD4 after all, particularly if the spectacles laserlover purchased are any indication.