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DVD diode maximum currents

Jun 12, 2008
Just curious to know if there's any guides out there that could indicate nominal/maximum currents by the max burn speed of the drive they're taken from? I know every diode is different, but just rough figures of what you'd drive the diode at from different speeds of drive, as when most people pull the diode from the drive, the burn speed is usually the only information one has to go by?

16x dvd burners usually go good at about 300mA
20x burners are good at 400-420mA
there's some 22x burners out now which are supposed to be more powerful, not sure how high they can go though.
sk8er4514 said:
16x dvd burners usually go good at about 300mA
20x burners are good at 400-420mA
there's some 22x burners out now which are supposed to be more powerful, not sure how high they can go though.

300mA is too high for a 16x burner, I'd say 250mA max. And the 22x diodes seem to have the same power as the regular long open cans, or at least that's what how it was last time I checked the 22x LG drive thread, I'll go check again......
