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Drivers for an lpc836 diy build


New member
Jun 14, 2024
So I have a 3.3v buck voltage regulator that is rated at 800ma. I am wondering if this is the appropriate setup as i have done a little digging online and tried the lm317 with different resistors setup one with a single resistor and another with 2 resistors. both times i tried this the beam was almost nonexistent. i was using dvrrw diodes that i scavenged from a couple old laptops. One of the diodes is still functional but i burnt out the others. So i bought the lpc diode from aliexpress and hooked it up with a 1uf ceramic cap on the ground and the input pins. I am using a lithium battery 3.7v to push the power and i noticed i was able to focus it enough to burn the leather on my couch by accident, but it stays cool and doesnt get hot at all. This is leading me to believe that it is under powered. I see its rated for 300mw, which I guess i dont have a full grasp on the driver build concept yet but am getting confused big time on how to maximize the lasers output but also not fry the damn thing. Any help would be much appreciated. Also I bought one of those freak blue lasers that look like a gatlin gun from amazon and noticed it burns paper if you hold it still for a little bit. I was able to focus the beam a little bit finer by disolving the thread locker that was on it and spinning the lense out a little further. There is a very long chamber of threads on this unit and the diode ais deep within this. I am curious if there is some kind of lense focusing ability left in this but dont know what to do. Thank you guys in advance. I have been geeking out on styro pyros videos.

Are running this lpc836 diode in any type of module or just as is? They will burn out as they need a heat sink.
Get yourself a module to press it into to keep it cooler.
I cannot help with your driver needs but if you lurk the older threads there is much info and diagrams on these dvd burner diodes setups. These dvd burner diodes is what basicly started this forum.
There is probably some stickie threads also.

Blue gatting gun type lasers in the upper powers are made to be focusable. Not sure what you mean by disolving the thread glue to make it focus?

Maby someone is willing to chime in quickly on your lpc836 driver setup.

Edit: I simply googled how do I run a DVD burners diode with a LM317 driver and got good results..
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