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FrozenGate by Avery

dragon viper 125mW how far does it shine ?


Jul 21, 2007
Hello after many searches i decided to order a dragon viper 125mW at dragonlasers.
Unfortunately they deliver no options as lenses baloons and so on. :-[
But the specifications are reasonably good.

Has anyone experience with the exact measured output from a dragon 125 ? Are there
measured maximums above the 125mW ? How far can it shine in the air ? More than 30 miles?
Please give me some details about your experiences about that laser. :)

Thanks ;)

Well, I was told this laser is actually decent. It usually gets around the 125 mW, give or take 10 mW. It will shine very far and have a very bright beam. If you do decide to get one, please use my link in my signature for a 5% discount!
I already ordered the dragon viper today. I think wicked laser is an other firm than dragon laser ;)
Or is it the same company :)
beamer said:
I already ordered the dragon viper today. I think wicked laser is an other firm than dragon laser ;)
Or is it the same company :)
I'm sure you'll have a good laser when it comes post some pics and videos when you get it ;)
Yess, i'll promise that i make some pictures.
Untill now on i have to wait till it arrives :P
